Friday, March 12, 2010

Class assignment.... what do I like about American culture and what would I change...

What I like most about America is our diversity. We have people from all backgrounds and ethnicities and in America, we are all the same. And I'd also have to say Hip Hop, cause why not?
There are quite a few things I would change if I could. Mainly I would change the attitude Americans seem to have that we are better than everyone else and every other country. We are not better, just different, and that's OK. I would also make Americans more tolerant of different religious beliefs. Only in our constitution does it guarantee the freedom of religion, but in practice, most Americans dislike anyone not Christian. That really bothers me, and quite frankly, is unchristian and unamercian.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i'm saddened by this....

So I've gone back to college at 36 and can't seem to help but notice how ignorant people are. It is crazy the caliber of people who are getting degrees now and makes me pissed at myself for taking so long to finish this.