Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Finally, some progress

      So today I finally got off my butt and worked on my paperwork.... I filled out two applications to substitute. One was online and took about an hour and the other one I had to print out and fill out.... It would not let you type it online then print it... Um isn't this 2013? Why I couldn't fill it out online is a mystery to me. It was also 5 pages long... 2 pages shorter than the application if I wanted a "regular" teaching job instead of a Sub job.... It took some time to fill out as well. So once these were done, I moved on to working on my licensure paperwork and hit a road-block when I realized I was still missing one of my old college's transcripts and they never responded to my email of "can I pay the fee online, instead of sending you my credit card number written down on this random sheet of paper?" Well for anyone who is into mail-theft.... somewhere in the mail system is my paperwork filled out with my credit card number and all the "important" information just written out, waiting for someone to charge the $300 left on my card.... Good times! I also had to reprint my FBI fingerprint sheet because I have misplaced it and realized that one of the items listed on there was from a year ago, and I can't figure out what the code stands for. Yesterday I thought it was the finger prints that had expired, so I got them redone, however realized I may not need them... Hopefully I can save the $20 or whatever it is to get it processed and use my previous ones that expire in March.
      On a HUGE down turn of events today, I was filling out my DoDEA application (for teaching at schools on military bases) when I realized that one of my Praxis scores is one point less than their minimum requirement for employment..... I was crushed. Now I have to figure out whether to retake the test (which I will have to pay for) or continue with the application "AS-IS" and hope for the best, in addition to writing an awesome cover letter that is basically begging them to give me a chance.... I am waiting for some paperwork on this application, so I have some time to decide  although not sure how much it will cost to retake that test, or if I have the money to pay for it..... Considering I have the awesome income of about $60 a week to live on. :-/ I guess that's what tomorrow is for... figuring things out..... that and calling about getting my car fixed after getting hit about 6 months ago (long story, that I may tell later).... Well today has been the day where it seems like as soon as you clean out your inbox, someone fill it back up..... double.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Graduation, Finally

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So Its been about a month since I graduated and I still haven't gotten my shit together. I have two applications partially filled out and am barely working at my part time job. I'm not sure what my problem is, I've been sleeping through the day and staying up all night wasting my time online and watching Netflix. I really need to get off my ass and get this done! I really have no good excuse for my laziness. I suppose my prospective broke and homeless status may soon become my motivation. I figure maybe if I start blogging about this, I can motivate myself to get things done, as my list keeps getting longer due to all the things NOT getting done.