Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Finally, some progress

      So today I finally got off my butt and worked on my paperwork.... I filled out two applications to substitute. One was online and took about an hour and the other one I had to print out and fill out.... It would not let you type it online then print it... Um isn't this 2013? Why I couldn't fill it out online is a mystery to me. It was also 5 pages long... 2 pages shorter than the application if I wanted a "regular" teaching job instead of a Sub job.... It took some time to fill out as well. So once these were done, I moved on to working on my licensure paperwork and hit a road-block when I realized I was still missing one of my old college's transcripts and they never responded to my email of "can I pay the fee online, instead of sending you my credit card number written down on this random sheet of paper?" Well for anyone who is into mail-theft.... somewhere in the mail system is my paperwork filled out with my credit card number and all the "important" information just written out, waiting for someone to charge the $300 left on my card.... Good times! I also had to reprint my FBI fingerprint sheet because I have misplaced it and realized that one of the items listed on there was from a year ago, and I can't figure out what the code stands for. Yesterday I thought it was the finger prints that had expired, so I got them redone, however realized I may not need them... Hopefully I can save the $20 or whatever it is to get it processed and use my previous ones that expire in March.
      On a HUGE down turn of events today, I was filling out my DoDEA application (for teaching at schools on military bases) when I realized that one of my Praxis scores is one point less than their minimum requirement for employment..... I was crushed. Now I have to figure out whether to retake the test (which I will have to pay for) or continue with the application "AS-IS" and hope for the best, in addition to writing an awesome cover letter that is basically begging them to give me a chance.... I am waiting for some paperwork on this application, so I have some time to decide  although not sure how much it will cost to retake that test, or if I have the money to pay for it..... Considering I have the awesome income of about $60 a week to live on. :-/ I guess that's what tomorrow is for... figuring things out..... that and calling about getting my car fixed after getting hit about 6 months ago (long story, that I may tell later).... Well today has been the day where it seems like as soon as you clean out your inbox, someone fill it back up..... double.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Graduation, Finally

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So Its been about a month since I graduated and I still haven't gotten my shit together. I have two applications partially filled out and am barely working at my part time job. I'm not sure what my problem is, I've been sleeping through the day and staying up all night wasting my time online and watching Netflix. I really need to get off my ass and get this done! I really have no good excuse for my laziness. I suppose my prospective broke and homeless status may soon become my motivation. I figure maybe if I start blogging about this, I can motivate myself to get things done, as my list keeps getting longer due to all the things NOT getting done.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So it's been forever since I posted on my blog and a lot has happened.... I am one year out from my degree and only have one semester of regular classes left, then a final semester of student teaching. It has been rough! My loans don't always cover my expenses, so many times I go without things I want or need. I want to be more active in my blog this next year as I have learned so much more about how to navigate student loans and financial aid, in addition to where to find the best deals on text books. One plus that happened since my last posting was I finally got my MAC!!!! I had to spend a semester not using the heat and watching all of my spending to do it, but I'm glad I got it. Unfortunately my new roommate had a friend over and he sat on it and broke the screen. I am so pissed and with the semester coming to a close, I need my computer now more than ever! So that sucks beyond.... I've also started listening to NPR more and following the news and politics lately. It is crazy right now. I have so much to say about everything going on in our country right now and have decided to use my blog to ramble on about it. Yep, I am not even going to create a new blog, mainly because many of the things going on right now may potentially affect my future teaching career. While everything is happening in the present, it will soon be considered "history" and that will also tie in with my future career. Well, I have written down my new goal. I should be working on a paper for one of my classes, so I will ramble more later.... It's not like anyone is reading this anyways! :-p

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am without internet and am going crazy. This is the week before finals and now i have to drive on campus to use the computer.. This truely sucks.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I really don't understand the FAFSA

So I didn't qualify for any aid last year because I "made too much" and I get that, but this year I barely made 12k. this is under the amount needed to qualify for grants, but when I filled out my FAFSA, this year it says I am also not qualified for aid this year. I will get loans again.... This really blows. I thought these grants were for students who don't make enough money. I have sent in about 4 or 5 scholarship applications, but don't really expect to win any. I am still trying to clean up my transcrips from my last attempt at school, so my GPA is a 2.5 or so. Most scholarships want at least a 3.0 GPA. I think once I am outta school, I'm gonna start my own scholarship. It will most likely only be for about $500, but everything helps when your in school. This I know first hand. I have to be so strict with my money right now. That I can't even get things that I truly need. I really need a new computer because mine keeps acting up. I want a MAC, but they are quite pricy. I am thinking about applying for their credit to get one, but don't know if they will approve me. I haven't used credit in over 4 years. I dred doing it again. As a student, you do get a student discount, but thats still expensive. The great thing about being an older student, is I do qualify for a non traditional grant at my school and the first semester it was $800 and this semester it was $1000.
I am still trying to find a job and may apply for a program at the college that helps a summer high school program. I really need some income soon because starting next month or maybe even 2 weeks I'm going to have to start paying for internet. That will be another $50 a month. grr!
On Monday I had a test in my world civ class and hoped to get it back today, but they are still not graded. I skipped communication again because i still can not figure out what I want to speak about. I really hate "persuasive" speeches. I never know what to talk about or even what topic to chose. I really don't care what these people think and don't care if they agree with me or not.
Oh well, I guess I need to start working on this right now so I can speak on Friday...

Monday, April 5, 2010

World Civ test and still jobless

So I had a World Civ test today and thought I was doing well until the last few pages. I hope for a B but I'm thinking it might be a C. This Prof is much harder than any I have had so far. I really do like her class, and think her lectures are very interesting. However, I think she goes a little overboard with the grading of these literary critiques we have to write. I got a C on the last one, but a D on the one before. She didn't like that I used the word strategies in place of tactics..... I always thought these 2 words were synonyms. It would seem not in her world.
This class started full and now is down to about 15 students. I don't think most of the students were ready for her teaching style. She makes it very clear that she is not going to hold your hand throughout the class. for example when a student asked for the class average, the Prof responded that you are not competing against each other.
On the plus side, this class is where I get the most entertaining "I can't believe you're in college" moments. I know they say there are no stupid questions, but I really beg to differ..... One gal kept asking questions that I realized were based on the movie 300. She didn't actually say the title until the 3rd class she referenced it, but I had already figured out she watches too many movies.
I wish I had started my blog at the beginning of the semester, because it would have been more entertaining....

I am still procrastination on my speech.... I have a day left at this point to get my speech together...

On a totally unrelated issue, I am frustrated that I can't get a callback for a job interview. Student loans only go so far and I am starting to worry about my bank account. I have rent and hopefully electric bill money, but other expenses are starting to worry me.
The average time someone spends in a retail job before moving on to another company is about 6 months. You would think being that I have about 2 years left for schooling and my track record shows my last 2 jobs as 5 and 8 years, that I would at least get a phone call asking me some questions. That isn't even an interview. I put in an application for BBW for an associate. This is a company i interviewed with 2 DM's and was going to be a manager for the company before I made my decision to go back to school. How sad a company would hire me for management, but a manager won't hire me as an associate...
I feel that I am being passed for interviews because of my resume. When you have managed retail for over 12 years and used to be the person in charge, it seems to make people pass on even calling you when you say you just want to be a cashier. I don't want to be in charge, really. I just want to ring up people and stock the shelves. I have started dumbing down my applications and the next step is to add a cover letter spelling out that i am presently a college student, working towards my degree and have absolutely no desire to be king of their mountain....... Maybe I should word it better. :) Tomorrow I turn in an updated application to Olive Garden now that I have a new, local phone number.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday or zombie jesus day, if you will...

So today is Easter, and I have a test tomorrow and a speech to give. I am being quite lazy and not studying. I am also not ready for my speech, I don't even know what I am going to talk about. It is supposed to be an persuasive speech, which is the same as argumentative. I know what I wanted to talk about, but the fact that the Jewish, Muslim and christian faith all pray to the same god and most people have no idea the origins of their own religions, would not go over well in this city. I need to stop procrastinating and study.......